In Louisiana,
Social Security Disability and SSI applications are
initially approved or denied by the
Office of Disability Determinations
a division of the Louisiana Department of Social Services.
More than
1,000 people
apply for Social Security Disability or SSI in Louisiana
each week
and more than
two out of every three of those initial applications are
denied. Many people abandon their claim after that initial
denial. Some reapply, but most who just reapply are just
denied again.
If your
initial application is denied, you should file an appeal to
the Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication &
Review and request a hearing before an Administrative Law
Judge (an "ALJ").
Louisiana is
one of ten states currently operating under an expedited
decision making process that is attempting to shortened the
delay between the date of the initial application and the
date of your hearing. In most states, when an initial
application is denied, the first step of the appeals process
is a Reconsideration. In a Reconsideration, the claim is
sent back to the state agency to be reviewed by an
additional examiner, i.e., an examiner who did not
participate in the initial decision. We skip this step in
Louisiana and send the claim on to the Office of Hearings
and Appeals.
Even with the
expedited process, it is not uncommon to wait many months
from the time your attorney files your Request for a Hearing
until the date the hearing actually occurs. Unfortunately,
the administrative offices of the Social Security
Administration are severely underfunded and understaffed,
resulting long in delays as your claim works its way through
each step in the system.
Administrative Law Judges are affiliated with the Social
Security Administration, the individual judges function with
a large degree of independence from the rest of the
organization. Judges are not bound by any decisions made
about your claim before it reached their office. Thus, the
Administrative Law Judge will try to perform an independent
review of all of the information relating to your claim.
Though a
typical Social Security hearing will last approximately an
hour, some hearings are as brief as a few minutes to as long
as 2-3 hours. At the beginning or end of your hearing,
the Judge and your attorney may discuss the laws and
Regulations that apply to your claim, the timeframes at
issue, the elements of the claim that the Judge believes are
important and whether the Judge believes that particular
medical evidence supports or hinders awarding you benefits.
During the
hearing, you will be asked many questions about your
condition, your living situation, your work history, your
education, your medical history and anything else the judge
believes is important. Some judges do most of their own
questioning. Others leave it to the lawyer to ask the
questions to the claimant.
Many hearings
are attended by only the Judge, a Social Security employee
who records the hearing, the claimant and the claimant's
attorney. The Judge will sometimes request that a Vocational
Expert attend the hearing to provide information about the
type and amount of work that may be available within the
restrictions outlined by your doctors. Occasionally, the
Judge will have a doctor attend the hearing to provide
testimony about your "residual functional capacity." The
doctor (who has never examined you) will review your medical
records, listen to your testimony and provide an opinion
about the extent of your disability and the type of work
that your medical condition might allow you to perform.
The Judge
will then decide your claim. Though it's not required, many
Judges will tell you at the end of the hearing if they
intend to rule in your favor. The Judge's formal decision
will be issued in writing and the claimant and their
attorney usually receive the written decision about two to
three months after the hearing.
If the Judge
rules in your favor, you will receive a letter in
approximately two to three months letting you know the
amount of your accrued benefits and the amount of your
future monthly payments. If your claim is denied, we have
sixty days to appeal the decision to the Social Security
Appeals Council.
For most
claimants, a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge is
your best opportunity to present evidence and explain your
case to an individual who has the authority to rule in your
favor. Don't waste that opportunity. Use it wisely. Be
Hiring An Attorney